Tokyo is filled with great restaurants, the most Michelin stars in the world. But it isn’t all about expensive places, there are amazing small restaurants for all budgets and as the Japanese BMI demonstrates, very few western style fast food places.

I took a couple quick snaps of my favourite “fast food” take-out sushi place near Hiroo station. Great prices (I think it might be lower cost than North America) and super fresh.

2013 02 23 sushi_

2013 02 23 sushi_-2

Y380 for 4 pieces maguro (tuna). I could eat sushi everyday.



I am far from an expert on Japan, but I have heard a few different opinions that I thought I would share as the Japanese “teach” me their ways. These folks know sushi:

  • When you break apart chopsticks, you should slide them together as if you are smoothing them – everyone does it. Wrong. It is considered rude and a North American phenomenon.
  • UPDATE: (Thanks Brent, totally forgot this one) The proper way to eat sushi is with your fingers. NOT with chopsticks. I still remember quizzing my host on this one; “is this only done in casual situations?” (no)  “Are you doing this as a joke on a gaijin” (no)  “Do you do this frequently?” (yes). No chopsticks is the “proper” way to eat sushi.
  • Never put wasabi in your soya sauce. Wrong. I have seen lots of Japanese do it.
  • Dip your sushi in the soya sauce rice down. Wrong again. I was informed by a few Japanese that it doesn’t work because the rice falls apart. Do it the other way around, in effect turning it “upside down”.
  • Ginger is pink (I learned this years ago after asking at a quality restaurant). Wrong again. Pink ginger is fake. Ginger is whitish clear. I have yet to see pink ginger in Japan.
  • Urchin (Uni) is excellent. It just takes time. Wrong. Tastes like swamp bottom with a hint of catfish bottom.
  • UPDATE: There are primarily two different types of sushi (explained to me yesterday). Traditional sushi where the chef make it by hand. Oshizushi is pressed sushi.

A block-shaped piece formed using a wooden mold, called an oshibako. The chef lines the bottom of the oshibako with the toppings, covers them with sushi rice, and then presses the lid of the mold down to create a compact, rectilinear block. The block is removed from the mold and then cut into bite-sized pieces. Particularly famous is バッテラ (battera, pressed mackerel sushi) or 鯖寿司 (saba zushi).[24]

My 2 Yen on sushi (smile).

One other sushi comment. I don’t buy patches or little gadgets when traveling as reminders. For me it is a magnet. Always try to find a magnet which we then add to our very large magnetic world map. Narda found me a sushi magnet the other day.

2013 02 21_

As an aside, I also like the fact that half the time I have no idea what I am eating (smile).